Siddharth University Recruitment 2017 . Siddharth University Through Advt No 12, 13 & 14/2016 invite applications For the recruitment of 84 vacancies which as Professor-21, Associate Professor – 21 and assistant Professor-42.The employment details about the posts, age limit, educational qualification, experience and other conditions are given below as link. The candidates are requested to go through the details and ensure that they fulfill the minimum prescribed criteria before applying. Apply on or before 28-04-2016.
Tags : Teaching Faculty
Jobs Opportunity in Siddharth University Recruitment 2016 For 84 Teaching Faculty posts at
Name of the Post:
A. Professor: 21
01. Business Administration (UR-2)
02. Sanskrit (UR-1)
03. Hindi (UR-1)
04. Urdu (UR-1)
05. English (UR-1)
06. Psychology (UR-1)
07. Economics (UR-1)
08. Political Science (UR-1)
09. Ancient History (UR-1)
10. History (UR-1)
11. Sociology (UR-1)
12. Geography (UR-1)
13. Commerce (UR-1)
14. Physics (UR-1)
15. Chemistry (UR-1)
16. Botany (UR-1)
17. Zoology (UR-1)
18. Mathematics (UR-1)
19. Home Science (UR-1)
20. Biotechnology (UR-1)
B. Associate Professor: 21
01. Business Administration (UR-2)
02. Sanskrit (UR-1), Hindi (UR-1)
03. Urdu (UR-1)
04. English (UR-1)
05. Psychology (UR-1)
06. Economics (UR-1)
07. Political Science (UR-1)
08. Ancient History (UR-1)
09. History (UR-1)
10. Sociology (UR-1)
11. Geography (UR-1)
12. Commerce (UR-1)
13. Physics (UR-1)
14. Chemistry (UR-1)
13. Botany (UR-1)
14. Zoology (UR-1)
15. Mathematics (UR-1)
16. Home Science (faculty of science) (UR-1)
17. Biotechnology (UR-1)
C. Assistant Professor: 42
01. Business Administration: 04 (OBC-1, UR-3)
02. Sanskrit (UR-2)
03. Hindi (UR-2)
04. Urdu (UR-2)
05. English (UR-2)
06. Psychology (UR-2)
07. Economics (UR-2)
08. Political Science (UR-2)
09. Ancient History (UR-2)
10. History (UR-2)
11. Sociology (UR-2)
12. Geography (UR-2)
13. Commerce (UR-2)
14. Physics (UR-2)
15. Chemistry (UR-2)
16. Botany (UR-2)
17. Zoology (UR-2)
18. Mathematics (UR-2)
19. Home Science (faculty of science) (UR-2)
20. Biotechnology (UR-2)
Eligibility Criteria :
- Educational Qualification : saw advertisement link for complete details
Nationality : Indian
Age Limit : as per rulues
Application fee: Pay Rs 1500 for UR & OBC and Rs 1000 for ST/SC in favor “Finance officer, Siddharth University, Kapilvastu, Siddharthnagar”.
How to apply : Eligible Candidate may apply in prescribed format along with copies of certificates send to “THE REGISTRAR, SIDDHARTH UNIVERSITY, KAPILVASTU Sidhharthnagar-272202 (Uttar Pradesh)“on or before 28-04-2016.
Important Dates to Remember :
- Last Date For Submission of Application : 28.04.2016
More Details For job information click below link:
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